
brian potter photography blog

a tyler, tx based photographer - What Difference Does it Make?

I recently met the innkeeper for a wonderful little B&B in Virginia through my work online (check them out at or She was inspired by some of my work and decided to write a blog post about it.  It is very flattering when a complete stranger is impressed with something you've done - it's even more when it inspires them to go a step further.  What she wrote is the same thing I try to stress to my clients all the time.  It's nice to hear someone else echoing the same thing.

Check out the full post at:

What Difference Does it Make?

And if you are ever on the East Coast - or want to be - you should check them out!


Thanks Shellie for the kind words, the re-blog, and for having such a great place to share with others.  Hopefully we will come see you one of these days! (photo from Elope-Virginia-shoes-wesbite-796_Claiborne-House-bed-and-breakfast